How to Deliberately Influence Others

How to Deliberately Influence Others

I find a common issue for leaders is that they grapple with how to be a better influencer. I don’t mean the Instagram one million followers, sponsored promotion type influencer, but rather an influencer who influences people to drive a better outcome.

The first issue that can get in the way when we are trying to influence is that we want to win. We want our idea to be the one that everyone adopts, because it’s the best right? So, we go in with a mindset to convince, win over, even overpower.

The second issue is that we may intend to collaborate and involve people adopting a co-design approach, however, we don’t listen to them, and don’t care much about what they think or say, because our idea is better (and we are back at the first issue).

And thirdly influencing takes time. We become impatient with the time it can take, to influence, consult and collaborate so we give up before we even try, which either looks like avoiding the issue, or we go in in full assertive combat made with our “I must win mantra” running through our minds.

Influencing is often synonymous with convincing. However, it is so much more than that. It is less about convincing and more about showing, describing, explaining so a similar level of understanding is reached by all parties. This involves a shared or common goal. If the person you are trying to influence does not share the same goal, influencing will be difficult to achieve.


A leader who influences well does these things consistently:

🚀 Establishes credibility by demonstrating integrity, having the right intentions, possessing the necessary capabilities, and delivering results

🚀 Engages others and builds connections by seeking their input, involving them in decisions, and showing a genuine commitment to understanding their needs, motivations, and values.

🚀Clarifies expectations and practices accountability by clearly defining the desired results and holding themselves and others accountable to those expectations.

🚀 Shares their passion and enthusiasm for the vision and goals, as this ignites and inspires others to get excited and support the initiative.

🚀 Is open to being influenced by themselves, demonstrating a willingness to listen to others’ ideas and incorporate their expertise, which builds respect and trust.


Through influencing we can build relationships and we can achieve the best outcome for the situation. When this occurs, we are building strong connections, and we are developing a better outcome than if we had not involved others. I believe that when we influence well it looks more like collaboration rather than convincing.

To deliberately influence others, focus on establishing credibility, engaging, and connecting with others, setting clear expectations, sharing their passion, and being open to being influenced. This will enable you to positively impact the behaviours, attitudes, and choices of those you lead and work with.


What practices do you engage in to influence others?


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