Overwhelm and Performance: A Deliberate Leader’s Guide

Overwhelm and Performance: A Deliberate Leader’s Guide

In today’s work environment, it’s not uncommon for team members to feel overwhelmed by their workload. As deliberate leaders, it’s our responsibility to support our team members through these challenges while ensuring performance standards are maintained.

Here’s how you can strike that delicate balance: 

🚀 Recognise the Signs of Overwhelm   

The first step in supporting a team member struggling with overwhelm is to recognise the signs. These might include: 

🔸 Increased absenteeism or tardiness 

🔸 A noticeable drop in work quality or missed deadlines 

🔸 Heightened stress, anxiety, or irritability 

🔸 Withdrawal from team activities or communication 

By being attuned to these signals, you can intervene early before the situation escalates. 

🚀 Open a Supportive Dialogue   

Approach your team member with empathy and concern. Schedule a private conversation where they feel safe to express their feelings. Use open-ended questions to encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences. For example: 

🔸 “I’ve noticed you seem a bit stressed lately. Is everything okay?” 

🔸 “How are you managing your current workload? Are there any specific challenges you’re facing?” 

This conversation should be about understanding their perspective, not about immediately fixing the problem.  This is where most leaders stumble.  We try and fix rather than listen.  The person is likely to know what is getting in their way.  A bit of time and patience will help them unlock the answer, providing a better solution for them and you! 

🚀 Assess and Prioritise Workloads   

Once you’ve identified the issue, work with your team member to assess their current workload. Are there tasks that can be delegated, postponed, or eliminated? Help them prioritize their work based on urgency and importance, using tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to differentiate between tasks that are critical and those that can wait. 

🚀 Provide Resources and Support   

Supporting a team member through overwhelm often requires providing additional resources or accommodations. This might include: 

🔸 Offering temporary flexible working hours 

🔸 Reassigning some tasks to other team members 

🔸 Providing additional training or tools to streamline their work 

🔸 Encouraging them to take regular breaks and practice self-care 

It’s crucial to make it clear that these supports are temporary measures to help them get back on track, not a reduction in expectations. 

🚀 Set Clear Expectations and Goals   

While it’s important to be empathetic, maintaining performance standards is still essential. Set clear, realistic goals for your team member, taking their current situation into account. Break down larger tasks into manageable steps and check in regularly to ensure they’re making progress. 

Clear communication about what is expected and by when can help alleviate some of the anxiety that comes with feeling overwhelmed. Reinforce the idea that the focus is on quality, not just quantity, and that it’s okay to ask for help if they need it. 

🚀 Monitor Progress and Adjust as Needed   

Supporting a team member through overwhelm is an ongoing process. Regular check-ins are vital to monitor their progress and adjust support as necessary. Celebrate small wins and improvements to build their confidence and reinforce positive behaviour. 

If the overwhelm persists, it may be necessary to revisit the workload distribution or explore other long-term solutions, such as adjusting their role or responsibilities. 

🚀 Foster a Culture of Support   

Finally, as a deliberate leader, aim to foster a team culture where it’s okay to discuss workload challenges and ask for help. Encourage open communication and peer support. When team members see that asking for help is not only accepted but encouraged, they’re more likely to speak up before becoming overwhelmed. 

Creating a work environment where team members feel supported can prevent overwhelm from occurring in the first place and ensures that when it does happen, they know they won’t have to face it alone. 

Supporting a team member who is struggling with overwhelm and workload while managing performance requires a delicate balance of empathy, support, and accountability. By recognising the signs early, engaging in open dialogue, and providing the necessary resources and guidance, deliberate leaders can help their team members navigate through challenging times while maintaining performance standards.  


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👉🏻 You Can’t Say That! – Create a Feedback Culture in Your Team

Event Details:

Date: Monday, 30 September 2024
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm AEST
Location: Zoom


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