The Frustration of Difficult Behaviour: A Leader’s Reflection

The Frustration of Difficult Behaviour: A Leader’s Reflection

As a leader, few experiences are as disheartening as watching your efforts to drive change falter. You’ve given clear, constructive feedback, laid out expectations, and provided the necessary support. Yet, despite your best efforts, the behaviour you hoped to influence remains stubbornly unchanged and difficult. This can lead to frustration and, in some cases, resorting to workarounds—those temporary fixes that offer a some progress but do little to address the underlying issue.

One leader, let’s call her Sarah, knows this all too well. Sarah had been tasked with driving a cultural shift in her team to enhance collaboration and communication. Recognising the importance of this change, she took a deliberate approach: she held one-on-one meetings, conducted workshops, and even led by example. But as the weeks turned into months, it became clear that the change wasn’t sticking. Team members continued to work in silos, communication gaps persisted, and Sarah’s frustration grew.

She began to question her approach. Had she not been clear enough? Was she expecting too much too soon? Her initial reaction was to double down on her efforts, reiterating the same messages and expecting a different result. But this only led to more frustration, as the desired change still didn’t materialize.

To salvage the situation, Sarah started implementing workarounds. She assigned tasks in ways that minimised the need for cross-functional collaboration, hoping this would ease the process. But these quick fixes only served to mask the problem rather than solve it, leading to further dissatisfaction and a sense of defeat.

For leaders like Sarah, this situation is a tough pill to swallow. However, it’s important to recognise that change—especially behavioural change—is complex and often requires more than just clear communication and strong leadership. It demands patience, persistence, and a willingness to adapt.


Deliberate Leaders Pro Tips

🚀 Reflect on Your Approach

If your initial efforts aren’t yielding results, take a step back and reassess. Consider if there are underlying issues, such as resistance to change, that you might need to address differently.

🚀 Engage in Active Listening

Instead of reiterating the same messages, try to understand the root causes of the resistance. Engage your team in open conversations where they can share their concerns and challenges.

🚀 Adjust Expectations

Change often takes longer than anticipated. Set realistic milestones and celebrate small wins along the way to maintain momentum and morale.

🚀 Avoid Workarounds

While it might be tempting to find quick fixes, resist the urge. Workarounds can create dependencies that are hard to break and may ultimately undermine your long-term goals.

🚀 Seek Support

Don’t be afraid to seek advice from mentors or peers. Sometimes, an outside perspective can offer insights you might have overlooked.


Deliberate Leadership is a journey of continuous learning. When faced with the frustration of unmet expectations, deliberate leaders remain resilient, adaptable, and committed to the process of change, even when the path is difficult.

What’s frustrating you in your role as a leader right now? How are you addressing it?


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You Can’t Say That! – Create a Feedback Culture in Your Team

👉🏻 Event Details:

Date: Monday, 30 September 2024
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm AEST
Location: Zoom


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