Bring The Right Energy To Leadership 

Bring The Right Energy To Leadership 

The word energetic can mean different things.   

Being energetic could be about boundless, almost restless energy; fast paced and hyperactive.  It can also mean balanced energy, calming, reflective and considered.  Both these forms are about energy even though they represent different forms of energy.  Both exhibit qualities of being energetic, whilst being different.   

As a deliberate leader, it helps when you know what energy you need to bring to your role.  It is also useful to know in what energetic state you feel your best.  Do you feel more alive and motivated in a fast or steady state?  What brings out the best in you?  What energetic state do you prefer to be in?  Having a deliberate awareness about this will help you in leading your team.   

When a leader is energetic, they can better sense the energy of the team, and understand what the team need to achieve. This helps the leader to balance the team energy and adapt their own energy to best lead the team.

What does an energetic leader look like:  

🔶 They bring enthusiasm, vigour, and a positive attitude to their role.  

🔶 They have a natural energy that inspires and motivates others, creating an environment of excitement, engagement, and high performance. 

🔶 They can infuse interactions with enthusiasm and passion, creating a contagious energy that uplifts their team members.  

🔶 They approach challenges with a can-do attitude and encouraging their team to do the same.  

🔶 They bring a positively infectious energy that helps drive momentum, innovation and a sense of purpose within the team. 

🔶 They are realistic in their beliefs of team members’ potential and the value of their work.  

🔶 They are actively involved and present, bringing a sense of urgency and dedication to achieving shared goals.  

🔶 They overcome obstacles, instilling resilience, and maintaining a positive outlook even in the face of adversity. 

🔶 They foster a collaborative and supportive atmosphere, encouraging open communication, celebrating achievements, and providing timely and constructive feedback.  

🔶 Their energy is a catalyst for teamwork, creating a cohesive and dynamic unit that thrives on collective success. 

Indications you may need to work on considering your energy deliberately as a leader: 

🟠 Not managing your energy as a leader 

🟠 Being insensitive to the energy of others 

🟠 Being unaware of the impact of your energy on others 

🟠 Expecting energy levels to be consistent (for you or the team) all the time 

🟠 Expecting high performance without factoring in rest and reflection time 

🟠 Being inauthentic about your levels of energy 

🟠 Not encouraging the team to work on managing their energy 

Energy drives motivation and ultimately performance in the team.  Being aware of what energetic state you prefer to be in is in itself energising.  Managing your energy wisely is a key distinguishing factor of a deliberate leader? 

How’s your energy? 

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Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm AEST
Location: Zoom


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